My Child Lebensborn


  • Developer
    Sarepta Studio AS
  • Lated Version
  • File Size
  • Last Updated
    August 28, 2023



1. Introduction of the game:
Welcome to "My Child Lebensborn," a unique and emotionally-driven mobile game that takes you on a compelling journey through the aftermath of World War II. Delve into the powerful and thought-provoking storyline as you find yourself responsible for the life and well-being of a young child, as well as the challenges and dilemmas that come with it.

2. All characters and levels of the game:
In My Child Lebensborn, you assume the role of a foster parent, caring for a child named Karin or Klaus, who is a Lebensborn child. Through interacting with your child and managing their emotional and physical needs, you will navigate various levels that simulate everyday scenarios, such as school, social interactions, and personal growth. Additionally, you will encounter other characters, including neighbors, friends, and even parents with misguided prejudices, all of whom play a significant role in shaping your child's identity and values.

3. What attracts users most to the game:
What sets My Child Lebensborn apart is its ability to evoke strong emotions and create an immersive experience where players develop a genuine connection with their child. The game tackles complex themes of prejudice, identity, and the lasting effects of war. It confronts players with difficult choices and challenges them to reflect on the consequences of their actions, fostering empathy and understanding.

4. Why it is popular:
The game's unique and emotionally impactful storyline, coupled with its striking visual design and engaging gameplay mechanics, have made My Child Lebensborn incredibly popular among players. The game offers a fresh and intimate perspective on the aftermath of World War II, shedding light on a relatively unknown aspect of history and providing players with an opportunity to reflect on the human cost of war.

5. When the game was released and how many versions are currently available:
My Child Lebensborn was first released in November 2017, and it has since garnered critical acclaim and numerous awards. Currently, there is one version of the game available on mobile platforms.

6. The most difficult part of the game:
One of the most challenging aspects of My Child Lebensborn is navigating the prejudice and discrimination faced by your child as a Lebensborn. The game presents players with tough choices, as their decisions impact their child's well-being and growth. Balancing the child's self-esteem, social acceptance, and personal identity can be emotionally taxing for players.

7. Strengths and weaknesses of the game:
The strengths of My Child Lebensborn lie in its powerful storytelling, immersive gameplay, and the emotional impact it has on players. The game succeeds in educating and raising awareness about a little-known aspect of history. However, some players may find the emotional weight and intensity of the game to be overwhelming or difficult to handle.

8. What other games have been developed by the same developer:
"My Child Lebensborn" was developed by Sarepta Studio, a Norway-based game development company known for their focus on creating games with profound narratives and impactful themes. They have also developed "Shadow Puppeteer," a co-op puzzle-platformer that explores light and shadow mechanics, as well as "The Girl Who Stands Behind," a psychological horror game set in rural Japan.


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